Let me define what a relaxed republican is. Or, better yet, examine some thoughts and ideas. The Supreme Court recently ruled that Gay Marriage is legal. Many Republicans are up in arms about this. Me, who cares. I find it somewhat ironic that many of the uptight ass-hats want to quote Holy Scripture about homosexuality and sodomy are the same folks who cheated on wife #1 while banging prospective wife #2. OR, they have children who live with a sex partner but they fail to scrutinize the piles of scripture violations in their own yard while they throw some other scripture in a bag, light it on fire and ring the door bell of the local gay couple. I say, relax, please. Nobody is gonna make you marry a local gay or lesbian.
We republicans can have diverse opinions, but lets pick a couple relevant issues. Immigration for instance. The horse is out of the barn, we cant "Ship 'em all back" not only that, immigrants are critical to the economy. We need a reasonable approach that is balanced. Stronger boarders, yep. Reform immigration laws, yep. Get those already here in the books so they can pay taxes and contribute, yep. And then, enforce the laws that are already on the books. If these laws are unenforceable, rewrite them and then enforce them.
And here's a thought, quit acting like three year olds. This partisan bullshit accomplishes NOTHING. We need folks who can get shit done. For the good of Americans, not big business. PAC reforms, term limits, checks and balances.
I'm just getting started.
Please pipe in.
A few thoughts I had while riding my bike.